
On the we samay blog you will find all the news and lots of valuable information about my fair fashion startup.

With the blog I want to show transparently and honestly what we samay stands for, what is important to me and how I work.

Have fun reading and kind regards


Gründerinnen Treff Konstanz

Gründerinnen Treff Konstanz

Der erste Gründerinnen Treff in Konstanz Anlässlich des Internationalen Frauentags am 08.3.24 organisiert Sarah, die Gründerin von we samay - Fair Fashion vom Bodensee, das erste Gründerinnen Treffen in Konstanz. Das... Read More
pop up lago konstanz green concept store nachhaltige mode konstanz

Neuer Pop–Up Store im Lago Konstanz

Das gab es noch nie: Pop-Up im Lago Konstanz. Ab sofort kannst du bis zum 31.01. 2024 den erste Pop-Up Store in der Geschichte des Lagos Konstanz entdecken und das Beste daran ist, alle Produkte sind nachhaltig.
Fair Fashion Konstanz

Fair Fashion in Konstanz

You can find fair fashion in Konstanz in the we samay & friends store at Schnetztor.
Neueröffnung - we samay Store in Konstanz

New opening - we samay store in Konstanz

On August 1st, 2023 the time has finally come: the first we samay store will open its doors for you in Konstanz. At we samay & friends you will find fair fashion from Lake Constance, innovative natural cosmetics & beauty products, sustainable jewelry & accessories, green living and kids products.
Un-Dress Fashion Show mit we samay

Un-dress fashion show with we samay

The first Fair Fashion Show in Switzerland took place on March 29, 2023. 20 fair fashion brands from all over Switzerland had the unique opportunity to show their sustainable outfits live on the catwalk.
Bye, bye 2022 - Hello 2023

Bye, bye 2022 - Hello 2023

2022 was an exciting year for we samay. There were pop-up areas in Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich.

Two great events in Zurich and Konstanz and countless beautiful moments.

we samay im staiy x ZAMT BERLIN Store

we samay in the staiy x ZAMT BERLIN store

Since July, a selected part of the women's, men's and unisex collection has been in the beautiful staiy and ZAMT Berlin store on Tucholskystr. 48 available.
Schweizer Startup Event Zürich Kaufleuten Swiss Brands

Startup Event Zürich

Finally the time has come. The first event for we samay is coming up: the Swiss startup event at Kaufleuten in Zurich - SWISS BRANDS. There is more about the event in the new blog post.
we samay im FOGS Green Style Magazin

we samay in the FOGS Green Style Magazine

The FOGS Green Style magazine stands for the urban and "green lifestyle" like no other magazine in German-speaking countries. This makes FOGS the leading premium magazine for a sustainable lifestyle... Read More
Was ist Greenwashing und woran erkennst du es?

What is greenwashing and how do you recognize it?

“Not everything that glitters is gold – or green.” Fortunately, environmental protection is now very important to many people. But is every brand really serious?